Tom Danger Mouse returned home

I was privileged today to be invited to see this little Koala be free again. It was indeed a very special day for Inverell (Gooniwiggal) Tom. I think that was what he has been named by his carers. I prefer the name the kids that found him, badly injured, had given him. DANGER MOUSE. They gave him the name, because of his acrobatics in the trees at Gooniwiggal, which he displayed on a daily basis. But he over did it and found himself with a broken arm on the ground. Lucky for him that the kids and their parents found him and got into action immediately.

Today Danger Mouse has returned home after recovering from major surgery to fix his broken arm and post op. rehabilitation. A big thank you to the many people involved and thanks to the team at the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital.

DangerMouse returned to his old playground in the same vicinity where he first was found and rescued.

A special cultural welcome home and a ceremony that drove any bad spirits far away from Danger Mouse was performed by Elder Kelvin Brown. As he explained to the people present, the Koala's are a totem species of this area and his people. It was a wonderful moment to see Tom Danger Mouse high up in the trees being free again. It only took a few minutes and he was happily munching the leaves.

Again a special thank you to all the volunteers that have helped Danger Mouse to be healthy and free again. It was very moving. Thank you Elizabeth and Wendy for inviting me. Watch out over the next 2 weeks, I have shot a video where the kids will tell you all about Danger Mouse the Koala……………..


Paris - Roubaix